商品系列: Mother's Day Celebration

Thank Mum for all she does with a heartfelt gift... 

Indulge Mum in a luxurious spa experience with our deluxe bundle, featuring carrier oils for massages and premium diffusers. Enjoy a generous 30% discount applied automatically at checkout! Plus, free shipping with a minimum purchase of $60.00. Code: LoveMum. 

Order now to ensure your parcel arrives just in time for Mother's Day! 📦✨



「Infinite Botanic 萃境」的神聖意圖是鼓勵您將芳香療法納入您的日常生活,作為強化您與大自然連結、尋求指引,以及促進與內在神聖意識連結的方式之一。我們的目標是以積極的意圖來尊崇大地母親,擴展您的覺知,並培養對她無盡愛的感恩之情。